HEART is an EU-funded Horizon 2020 project that includes 16 partners from 10 countries. For more details on Partners and Budget, please visit CORDIS.

How HEART benefits you
Funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 program, the HEART project is aimed
at making existing buildings “smarter”, through the application of an innovative toolkit. Such a toolkit is able to reduce energy consumption, with overall savings on heating, summer air conditioning and domestic hot water production variable between 60% and 90%, and to significantly improve comfort for the inhabitants who will be able to manage their consumption directly.
The HEART project is developing and testing several components that promise to facilitate renovation by using: a multifunctional prefabricated facade system, universal photovoltaic tiles, a high-efficiency water storage tank, direct current smart fan coils and heat pumps, a multi-input/multi-output controller and a cloud-based platform to support decision making and energy management phases.
Project Profile
– Name: HEART – The Sum of All Things
– HEART Acronym: Holistic – Energy and Architectural Retrofit Toolkit
– Coordinator: Politecnico de Milano
– Type of project: H2020 IA Project
– Number of partners: 16
– Number of countries: 10
– Project Duration: 4 years
– Geographical focus: Central and Southern Europe
D.1.1 | Project Management and Quality Plan
D2.1 | Application Context Periodic Update I
D2.2 | Application Context Periodic Update II
D4.8 | Final Bems Hardware Components
D5.5 | Mimo Units for On-Field Demonstration I
D6.5 | DC-HP Units, Thermal Storage Units and Smart Fan-Coils for On-Field Demonstration II
D7.11 | Envelope Components for On-Field Demonstration II
D9.9 | Evaluation of Building Users’ Acceptance and Satisfaction
D10.13 | Demonstration Activities
D10.19 | Knowledge Transfer Conferences
D10.5 | Leaflets-Brochure